When you’re faced with an overly aggressive person, you probably won’t react very well unless you have some training to help you deal with the situation. The ability to “calm the raging beast”, so to speak, is a useful skill that anyone can learn. Unfortunately, like most skills, it can let you down on occasion. Sometimes, generally when alcohol is involved, there’s literally not a thing you can do to diffuse a tense situation. Sad to say, there are times when you need to fight, and knowing how might just save your life.
Occasionally, someone will confront you with passive-aggressive behaviors. These include things like calling you names or trying to bully you. In these situations, you don’t need to get rough with anyone. The way to handle yourself is with words, not fists. But if you are really in danger of falling victim to bodily assault, you have to know something about self defense. There’s no way around it: to be fully secure, you have to know how to fight.
There is an important skill that most police (or others who deal with violent people) possess. That is, the ability to judge at a glance if a situation is potentially troublesome. This sort of ‘survival skill’ requires you to figure out how most people act when they are just having fun, so you can avoid misjudging a situation. You don’t want to get physical with someone who is only playing around, right? If someone is accosting you with some good-natured name calling, you shouldn’t hit him, it’s that simple. On the other hand, you need to be able to recognize when name-calling is simply the first step towards escalating the level of violence from verbal to physical.
It is never a good idea to go around looking for a fight. But you should always be ready for one, if the situation dictates it. When you find yourself in dangerous places where people are drinking, this caveat is doubly true. It’s triply true when the alcohol is inexpensive, plentiful, and relatively un-regulated. In cases such as that, you have to be careful because there is a level of danger that is always present.
On the other hand, nobody wants to go around half-cocked at all times. Staying clear-headed and calm is something you should strive for. But this may mean limiting your alcohol consumption, or abstaining altogether. It does you no good learning how to fight if you are the one who flips out on other people at the drop of a hat. Learning to fight should go hand-in-hand with learning how to act in a responsible manner.
The good news is, it is easier than ever to learn how to fight because there are plenty of reputable places on the web where sober-minded people congregate to discuss serious issues such as this.